Heiner Brau Festbier Octoberfest
Totally forgot to take a picture of this one. Our fridge died that week and so the last couple of bottles got moved between our homebrew fridge and the main fridge, and well, no photo.
Heiner Brau is somewhat small brewery just north of New Orleans in Covington, LA. They do a fair amount of contract brewing (for Zea’s Restaurants, for example) and also brew under the Covington label.
It pours with a small, white head and a yellow, amber color in body. It didn’t have as strong of an aroma as most of the other Oktoberfests I’ve had had. It did have a slight wheat/sweet smell, though.
It’s a thin beer, despite it’s 6.2% ABV. It has a somewhat faint smoky front, which was a pleasant surprise. It finished with a little bit of sweet and a little bit of wheat, like the aroma.
It’s a decent Oktoberfest on the first bottle, and solid Oktoberfest by your third one. Let it warm up a bit to get the full flavor.
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